What if you’re faced with a megalomaniacal spokesperson?

What if you are faced with a megalomaniacal spokesperson?

What if this megalomaniacal spokesperson won’t listen to your advice about managing a media interview?

Even seasoned spokespeople recognise the benefits of new tips and practice for media presence and interview skills.

Here’s how to make the case to your spokesperson if your comms advice is challenged:

-The competition for airtime is fierce and your time is precious. A few rehearsals now will save huge amounts of time over the medium to long term and reinforce your profile as a great spokesperson.

-You are a seasoned pro and your objective is to ensure your message reaches your audience. Trying new ways of delivering your message helps you be heard and understood by more people.

-You are setting an example for others. By making time for media training, you demonstrate the value of preparing for the press.

Can you risk colleagues going on the record without media training first?

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash