Betsy the Dog - Award Winner

We train award winners!

🤗 Huge congratulations to our 4 fabulous clients recognised as inspiring industry leaders. Well-earned, richly deserved. 👀 Discretion prevents a ...
Don't be a loser

Don’t be a loser

Don't read this if you're a loser… Every time you stand up to present in front of peers or strangers, ...
Space Shuttle - The failure to imagine the consequences of failure are catastrophic

Space Shuttle Learnings

Tell your boss to watch this Space Shuttle documentary… 📢 Are you the lone voice nudging senior colleagues about crisis ...
3 Golden Rules for Interviews

Golden Rules for Interviews

There have been some high-profile car crash interviews recently. Make sure you're not next. Here are my 3 Golden Rules ...
I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley!

Thank you Leslie Nielsen (Dr Rumack) and the iconic Airplane!

Comedy is a useful ice breaker in crisis communications planning when we ask everyone to think the worst… no… the ...
Too Much Passion?

Too Much Passion

Can you have too much passion? 🏆 With awards season upon us, it is worth remembering that behind every good ...